A school is nothing without the folks working there.  We believe we have the best in the state.  Don’t take our word for it, come meet them and see why Valley View is the place to be.

Our Principal – Mrs. Marinakis

Mrs. Marinakis comes to us after teaching elementary school for more than 12 years in the West Contra Costa Unified School district.  She even began her teaching career as a substitute teacher at Valley View Elementary – Right On!  Mrs. Marinakis has deep roots in our community.  Back when her two children were attending Valley View Elementary she was an active member or the Valley View Parent’s Club.  During her time with us, she held both the Board’s President and Secretary positions.  Mrs. Marinakis has returned once again to the Valley View fold to help create a best in class school with a reputation for excellence in academics and childhood enrichment.

As Mrs. Marinakis says, “It’s like the planets were aligned to bring me here.”

Well, we agree, and thank her for returning to Valley View.  We look forward to supporting Mrs. Marinakis and our excellent teachers as they continue their efforts to educate and support our children. Welcome Back!

Language Translator


July 2024

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun




Dear Mustangs Families:

The start of the next school year is coming up fast – August 17th – and I know there are a lot of questions about how school will look in the Fall. Governor Newsom has made clear that we will be opening the school year with Distance Learning. We understand this is not an ideal situation, and as much as we would all prefer to be in the classroom with our teachers/students, safety is the first priority.  I also understand that more detailed information is necessary for families to plan for distance learning, but unfortunately we do not yet know exactly what instruction will look like.  We are awaiting final guidance from the state and district. As soon as we get this information, we will get concrete schedules and support to you all as soon as possible. 

We know from the past Spring shutdown that our Valley View Community can do an exceptional job pivoting to a new learning structure. We have already evaluated what worked well in the Spring and are building on that to support all of our students even better. I am extremely grateful to be navigating this challenging time with the Valley View community of teachers, staff, and families, who make this place, whether physical or virtual, the place to be!

School Supplies/Material Needs:

  • Initial materials pick-up will be scheduled for August 10-13th. More info to follow.
  • Materials pick up times/days will be staggered by grade level. Families will drive up and staff will put materials in your trunk. This will also be a time you can drop off library and/or other text books that you need to return.
  • Chromebooks should also be available to new families and first graders that do not have one during the week of August 10th.
  • Reading materials: We will find a way to get books to students. While much reading will be online, we also know children need to hold books in their hands. There will be a process for this. We will be sending out information about this process soon.
  • School Supplies: Teachers are contacting grade level students with materials lists and donation requests. Please let your teacher know if you need assistance with school supplies (paper, pencils, etc).

School Day Expectations:

  • After class lists are posted, teachers will be emailing you with online learning login information for the first day of school. Please make sure we have your email address!!!! You may update your information on Annual School Forms. More to come on this.
  • School will most likely begin at 9am daily. Not yet confirmed.
  • Teachers will be meeting with the whole group daily. Attendance will be taken daily.
  • Teachers will be meeting with small groups throughout the week.
    • Instruction will be a mix of synchronous (live/at the same time) and asynchronous (self paced timing). 
  • There will be a consistent schedule with some room for flexibility.
  • The first couple weeks will focus on building relationships between teachers, students, and caregivers. Caregivers, along with the students, will be taught how to access and use the online platforms for their class.
  • Teachers will be available to support you and your children, as will I. Please contact us with any questions.

At-Home (these are some things you can do to help your child be ready for distance learning at home.)

  • Please set up a designated space for each school-aged child, if possible. They will be coming to school digitally, and need a clean, well-organized area for their school work. It may be a corner of their bedroom, living room, or dining room. 
    • Table and chair, paper, pencils, tablet, 
    • Relatively quiet and an area where they will have few interruptions or distractions.
  •  Routine is a huge priority. Please help your student understand that they need to be ready, dressed, fed, and online every school day by 9am.
  • Please check all needed equipment. Test the tablets, chargers, WiFi, headphones, etc and contact the WCCUSD Helpdesk (email at parent@wccusd.net or (510) 243-3901) if you need help. If you do not have WiFi, please call the school at (510) 231-1455 and let us know. Tablets are provided for every student, but we only reach out regarding WiFi access if we know a family has the need.
  • Online Etiquette: The teachers will teach online etiquette. We hope you will reinforce this. We encourage treating school time just as we would in a classroom: the student is at their “desk”,  not interrupted (unless in an emergency), dressed for the day, having used the bathroom and eaten before school. Please also consider where the tablet camera is facing and who/what may be seen or heard in the background.

Report Cards: Report cards will be very much like they were in the spring. There is a district report card committee that is looking at revamping how we grade elementary school students.


This is a difficult time for us all. Together we will make sure all of our students are receiving the best education we can give. We appreciate your flexibility, feedback, and look forward to both our Distance Learning and when we can finally be back together safely. 

Thank you for your support!

Ann Marie

Valley View Parents’ Club Mission Statement

The VVPC strives to enhance the educational experience of Valley View students by supplementing school programs, supporting teachers, promoting family involvement, and fostering a cooperative, inclusive school community.

Become a Member

Feel the pride that comes with volunteering with the Parents Club. Want to make a larger impact? Become more than just a member. Whatever you choose to do, you will help make our school great and a place to be proud of. 

Support Mustangs

Fundraising is critical to the success of our school because it allows us to offer our student’s opportunities that they would otherwise miss out on.